Procedures include urinary catheterization, enema administration, douching, eye and ear irrigation, intramuscular injection, oral and nasal lavage, gavage, and suctioning.
Exams include prostate exam, pap smear, visual inspection of ulcers and moles, and dilated pupil comparison.
Care includes ostomy care, tracheostomy care, hair washing, patient transfer and positioning, denture removal, hearing aid removal and insertion, bed baths, and clothing changes. Trunk, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, neck, hip, knees, ankles, and toes all bend and flex realistically.
Heart sounds include normal, holosystolic, systolic click, aortic regurgitation, mid systolic, atrial septic defect, mitral stenosis, S3 gallup, PDA, pulmonary stenosis, S4 gallup, and VSD.
Lung sounds include normal, rhonchi crackle, bronchial, egophony, wheeze, stridor, pulmonary edema, mono wheeze, coarse crackle, friction rub, fine crackle, cavernous, and pectoriloquy.